Welcome to Ghana Xchange Volunteer!
Ghana Xchange VolunteerGhana Xchange VolunteerGhana Xchange Volunteer
+233 24 699 4584
Odorkor Busia junction,

Volunteer Information

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Airport Pickup

The Ghana Xchange Volunteers Organization is readily available in its responsibility of picking up volunteers from the airport and driving them safely to the volunteers main host home . After booking of flight, a volunteer is expected to send the flight details such as the arrival date, time, flight name, flight number to GXVO as early as possible. This will enable GXVO’s driver to be at the Accra International Airport on time for the pickup, thereby avoiding unnecessary delay or saving the volunteer from becoming stranded. Our Accra volunteer house is about half an hour drive from the Airport.

2. Accommodation
The GXVO’s volunteer homes are reserved as accommodation facilities for the volunteers. These homes are well furnished to suit the comfort of the volunteers while staying in the homes. There are spacious and well ventilated sleeping rooms with fans, comfortable sitting rooms, dinning halls furnished with tables and chairs, kitchens, toilets and bathrooms.

At the volunteer homes, GXVO has cooks who are responsible for the meals of volunteers. They will be cooking and serving volunteers with breakfast, lunch and dinner per day, unless the situation suggests otherwise. Volunteers are also provided with good drinking water throughout their stay. Volunteers who are special diet are required to prior notice to us for necessary provisions to be made to that effect.


Monday to Friday Breakfast:
Volunteers are served with Lipton,Milo, coffee, milk, sugar, bread, pancake, fried egg, Margarine, honey, Jam and hot water on the table every morning.

Monday- Friday Launch
Volunteers are served with Jollof rice and fried chicken, rice and chicken stew, Noodles with vegetables and egg, Fried Rice and chicken, vegetables oil rice with chicken, Fried red plantain with cooked beans, fried Yam with sausage and tomatoes ketchup.

Monday-Friday Supper
Volunteers are serve with Rice and beef sauce, Noodles with vegetables and fried egg, jollof rice with salad and chicken, Egg stew with rice, meat sauce with rice etc.

Saturday- Sundays
On weekends ,volunteers have the options to choose among the African dishes such Banku and okro soup, Omo to with groundnut soup, waakye and stew, Ampesi and stew. However, GXVO wishes to make it clear that, the above African dishes would not necessarily be compulsorily served. Generally rather, volunteers would be served with their preferred choice of meal at all times.

4. Internet Access

The GXVO volunteers homes are stocked with reliable internet for volunteers to access at all times. This is aimed at increasing the comfort of stay by the volunteers in the homes.

5. Proximity To Project Site

With the exception of the wildlife program, volunteers patronizing GXVO programs are posted to selected work places close to the volunteers home. This means that volunteers need not stress themselves walking a long distance or travelling a long distance to work. Since the wildlife sites are far from the volunteers homes, the volunteers will always travel to access the place.

6. Travelling Clearance

Volunteers must clear themselves of all necessary travelling requirements such as valid vaccinations (Yellow Fever, Covid-19) cards and other necessary documents which will help them cleared at the Airport without delay.

7. Weekend Activities

Most volunteers prefer to travel on weekends to explore some of the natural geographic sites in Ghana. Based on arrangement, volunteers will travel by themselves or will be accompanied by some staff of GXVO. Volunteers bear the cost of weekend travelling including transportation, accommodations, feeding and other costs while there. The weekend will give the volunteers opportunity to visit tourist sites like the Elmina Castle and others, the Kakum National Park, the zoo, Mole National Park, Paga Crocodile Pond, the monkey sanctuaries, Akosombo Dam, Aburi Garden, Boti falls, the Umbrella rock in the Eastern region etc. Considering the safety of stay in Ghana. Volunteers who are interested in sporting events can also attend such events in their own choice.

8. Duration Of Stay

The GXVO runs its programs unabated throughout the calendar year. For the avoidance of odds and complications in arrangements, volunteers are required to submit their applications to GXVO not less than two weeks to the date of arrival. Volunteering work is expected to last for at least two weeks after arrival.

Feeding And Accommodation Cost

GXVO Program is Absolutely FREE. The cost below is the cost of Accomodation,feeding and Transportation.

The cost of stay are as follows:

2 weeks………$450
3 weeks………$650
4 weeks………$800
5 weeks………$950
6 weeks………$1050
7 weeks………$1350
8 weeks………$1550

Note: extra week after the 8th week shall attract an amount of $150 per week. Additionally, each volunteer must complete and submit an application form to GXVO at a cost of $50.



At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

We understand the importance of approaching each work integrally and believe in the power of simple.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)